Adolescent Nutrition_English

Nutrition in adolescence: Solid body and intelligent mind

Language: English

Instructors: PHFI - UNICEF


Why this course?


Ever feel confused about what to eat? or wonder about how to get a solid body and smart mind? There is so much information about diet and nutrition out there that sometimes it's confusing. In this module, you will learn about the basic concepts of nutrition particularly for adolescents and young adults. You will also read about how you as an individual could make informed dietary choices and sensitize your peers as NSS volunteers.

Course Curriculum

Nutrition course structure
Unit 1: Introduction to Nutrition
UNIT 1_1.1- Learning Objectives_Eng
1.1. Basics of nutrients
1.2. Nutrition _ balanced diet
Basic Nutrition Quiz/ बुनियादी पोषण quiz
Nutrition Wheel English
Unit 2: Anemia/ रक्ताल्पता
Unit 2-Learning Objectives_Eng
2.1. What is Anemia_why is it bad
VIDEO: Anemia_English
2.2. Identify anemia
Meera's experience with anemia
2.3. Anemia Diagnosis_Hemoglobin level
2.4. What causes anemia
recipe booklet_iron_rich_snack
2.5. How to prevent and treat anemia
Unit 3: How to achieve good health & nutrition
3.1. Five-mantras to make body and mind strong
3.2. Easy guide to healthy eating
3.3. How much to eat
3.4. Complete food
3.5. How to take actions
Video: Recipe for Healthy Daliya Pulao

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
